Eco Chess

πŸ₯‡ Award Winning Project πŸ₯‡
- 2022 EUReCA Undergraduate Research Award, First Place

EcoChess is a hand-crafted and laser-cut variation of chess that aims to make learning about different biomes and regions engaging and entertaining. EcoChess portrays the shocking similarities of forest hierarchy and trophic levels to chess.

The gameplay is identical to chess, but the pieces' designs are based on real plants that are found in specific biomes. Just like in regular chess, there is one goal: capture the king.

In EcoChess, the king is the sun. All plants want to absorb the most sunlight, and naturally the tallest plants are the strongest. The traditional chess queen is the strongest piece on the board. EcoChess reflects this by choosing the tallest trees that can be found in deciduous and coniferous biomes to act as queen. The same goes for all the other pieces. Grass is the smallest, weakest plant, so it takes form of the pawn. All of the EcoChess pieces also visually relate to the traditional visual identity of chess pieces.

🀝 This project was a collaborative effort with Victoria Wheelock and Jacqueline Juneau 🀝